Martina Tyrell
Martina Tyrell joins us from Southern Spain to take us on a journey into how Homeschooling looks whilst living on a boat and sailing the seas with a young family!
We are sorry you missed this interview. Please stay tuned for replays beginning very shortly!
During This Conversation You Will Discover
Now a little settled in a small Spanish town, Martina offers valuable insights into how to start planning for such an adventures, the joys of being outside most of the day, and how her husband, a PhD physicist, may be the most over qualifies bar man in the world!

Martina Tyrell
I’m Martina and my boat is Carina of Devon. I live aboard Carina with my husband and our two daughters. This blog is about our adventures aboard our boat, our observations of life, my (and sometimes Julian’s) thoughts about culture, nature, home schooling, parenting and life in general. In 2011, Julian and I decided to quit our jobs, sell our house in Cambridgeshire and buy a boat to live on. We found the boat later that year and moved aboard in spring 2012. In the past three years we’ve cruised in England, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco.