Steven Horwich
Educator, writer and director, the world traveled Steven Horwich today gives us a damning look into the realities of California and the chaos that is the public school system, from his time spent teaching there.
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During This Conversation You Will Discover
Steven takes us on his journey of turning his back on the public school system to try something new, as we approach untold changes at such a rapid pace, where any public school system simply cannot innovate quick enough to offer the best for young minds. He offers his own unique insights into his journey into researching and understanding how kids learn, what a creative self directed curriculum could look like and the future of education.

Steven Horwich
Steven Horwich is an Emmy Award-winning writer/director specializing in theater, with works presented in theaters in Los Angeles, Toronto, Detroit, Tampa, Connecticut, Montana, London, and St. Petersberg Russia. He recently edited a film written and directed by a student of his, which won the Audience Award at Dances With Films in Los Angeles (a major film festival). He has also been a professional educator for over 45 years, having taught at U.S.C., C.S.U.N., for the Los Angeles Unified School District (one year, all he could stand), and in private schools for over a decade, as well as teaching private workshops for actors, writers and directors for over four decades. In 1998, he started creating a comprehensive K-12 homeschool curriculum, covering all major subjects except math and foreign language. He completed authoring the curriculum, made up of almost 300 courses, called "Steps", in 2015.