Zak Slayback
Welcome to the world of Zak Slayback! Zak is one of LinkedIn's most influential voices in the world of alternative education and entrepreneurship, who dropped out of An Ivy League School to concentrate on his passions of writing and speaking about education, innovation, and philosophy.
Please enjoy the interview for the next 48 hours
During This Conversation You Will Discover
Zak casts light on how he disliked the “One Size Fits All” approach to schooling, how the constant testing just got in the way of his learning and why nobody ever questioned why the school system was set up this way. We go down the rabbit hole of the future of education and Zak offers us a new perspective, liking the future of schools similar to the present day postal service, obsolete and bound to be replaced by something far more colorful and creative.

Zak Slayback
I’ve helped hundreds of people find what they want to do, grow their networks, land jobs, deals, and launch companies. I offer no-BS ways to get ahead and break apart from the pack. I do this with years of experience gained creating real results – not just sitting around and reading a book – and getting real opportunities for real people. My 2016 Amazon Best Seller, The End of School, details the how and why to take control of your education. I speak regularly and make media appearances about school and success, how to get ahead, and how to change the world and have spoken in front of audiences of over 1,000 people.