Tag: Education
Dr Peter Gray talks Play, Creativity and Freedom
“Creativity is not something that can be taught, by definition it requires freedom.” Dr Peter Gray is a professor at Boston College and author of Free to Learn In today’s clip we dive into the waters of creativity with Dr Peter Gray, world renowned for his promotion of incorporating play in all aspects of a…
Pam Laricchia, Unschooling and Living Joyfully
“It’s not about doing well at school, it’s about engaging with life!” A quote taken from a wonderful talk we had with Pam from Joyfully Unschooling Podcast Today’s clip is taken from a wonderful talk we had with Pam Larrichia from the must listen Joyfully Unschooling Podcast. Pam lays out in vivid colour how she…
Yes to Homeschool! You know your child better than any teacher
Steven Horwich quit teaching as he felt 40 kids in a class can never facilitate learning. He now has a Homeschool Curriculum based in honor and respect. Steven Horwich is an Emmy Award-winning writer/director specializing in theater, with works presented in theaters in Los Angeles, Toronto, Detroit, Tampa, Connecticut, Montana, London, and St. Petersberg. He…
Live the most authentic life you want to live, the time is now!
“Tomorrow is not promised! Pause,take a deep breath,look at life,work,family,friends. Prioritize what is it that is most important to me, to my family” Karen Ricks is a Homeschooling and Worldschooling Legend. A professional chef in 4 continents, Karen left the US to explore the world and traveled to Japan with her husband to pursue his…
Empower your family in Partnership, Authenticity, Trust and Heart
Scott Noelle is the author and coach at “Daily Groove” and offers creative empowerment strategies that can transform your parenting and all your relationships. As the podcast numbers continue to grow, it is more needed than ever that these inspirational talks find their way to anyone looking for a more harmonious and creative way of…
Is a college degree still relevant in our ever changing world?
Isaac Morehouse is the CEO of Praxis, a startup apprenticeship program, for inspired young adults to gain employment in months in careers with a big future
“School is not the only path to a meaningful adult life”
Shauna Reisewitz offers support for children to figure out who they at their core and how releasing the pressure of school helps imaginations and interests grow naturally
Let’s end “The War on Kids” and set them free…
Cevin Soling explains the harsh reality of today’s schools,how they resemble prisons not places of learning. It’s time to look at exciting alternatives
Cassi Clausen *Give children the freedom and respect they deserve*
Can you imagine school with no teachers,curriculum or tests?Join us as we discuss a world of independent thinking and individual responsibility..and it works!
Connie Allen *Empower Your Children with Love and Respect*