Tag: family
Develop your child’s critical thinking skills and set them free!
Homeschooling naturally encourages real understanding by encouraging and offering the time for independent and self realized research. Join us as New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods takes us through the many benefits of Homeschooling, especially the abilities instilled by encouraging independent and self realized research. Tom Woods gained a bachelor’s from Harvard and Ph.D.…
Homeschooling as a way of living free and following your passions
Discover the benefits of Homeschooling and how managing your own time from a young age will help give you purpose and direction in adult life Today we enter a world of rolling country, horses, rivers, inspiring house guests, artists and being free to read a library under your favorite tree until your soul is quenched!…
Life is the Curriculum! Trust, Choice, Responsibility and Accomplishment the values
When Jeff Collins couldn’t find a school suitable for his daughter he discovered The Sudbury School Model. He was so impressed he started his own school in Woodstock NY! Jeff takes us through the values and philosophies of The Democratic Sudbury School model, where each student has a voice and decision of how the school…
Live the most authentic life you want to live, the time is now!
“Tomorrow is not promised! Pause,take a deep breath,look at life,work,family,friends. Prioritize what is it that is most important to me, to my family” Karen Ricks is a Homeschooling and Worldschooling Legend. A professional chef in 4 continents, Karen left the US to explore the world and traveled to Japan with her husband to pursue his…
Empower your family in Partnership, Authenticity, Trust and Heart
Scott Noelle is the author and coach at “Daily Groove” and offers creative empowerment strategies that can transform your parenting and all your relationships. As the podcast numbers continue to grow, it is more needed than ever that these inspirational talks find their way to anyone looking for a more harmonious and creative way of…
Children learn naturally guided by their innate eternal goodness
Laura Grace Weldon is the Author of Free Range Learning.Discover heart centered living and see how free play builds reasoning,social skills and innovation
Connie Allen *Empower Your Children with Love and Respect*
Jerry Mintz on How Democratic Student Led Learning Can Look
Dr Brian Ray on How Homeschooling Brings People Together
Lainnie Liberti on Worldschooling and Saying Yes to Life